Monday, July 4, 2011

Teacher Video

This is a a trailer of the movie Mona Lisa Smile. The teacher in Mona Lisa Smile is Julia Roberts, she is a great educator along with an inspiration to the whole class. While teaching her class about the history of art she is also holding high expectations for their role in society. Because many of the girls only view their role in society as being a mother or wife Julia Roberts tries to inspire them to continue their education.
The classroom is filled with only girls and their priority is not to learn, although they are all very intelligent. Instead their priority is to find a husband and become a house wife. The girls, once married, are not even required to attend school to graduate. Julia Roberts, as the teacher of these girls, has bigger dreams for them and directly helps on girl continue her education and become a lawyer.
Julia Roberts is teaching Art to a class of college students. On the first day she realizes that they know and have mastered the curriculum that she had set out for the whole semester. Following this she changes the curriculum and makes it more active. Because all the girls know all the paintings and facts relating to the painting, she teacher them something that they are unfamiliar with which is finding the beauty within each piece of art.

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